Monday, September 12, 2005

Playboy and Slut

Tis is my 1st post here. To think. it may also turn out to be a negative post. To start the ball rolling, wat is a male called if he had bed many women? The ans to many might be playboy. So wat is a female called if she bed many men? The ans to many might be slut.
Here comes the difference, do u pple think that a guy will actually mind being called a playboy? So wat if a gal is called a slut? I am sure she will feel insulted. The reason for a guy not minding being called a playboy is because to be a playboy u need quality/quantity - be it looks or money. So not all guys are qualify to be a playboy.
So for a gal, to be a slut is pretty easy. All she need is to be willing to spread her legs then she will be able to qualify to be a slut. Why is that so? That is because guys usually think with their small head rather than their head above. How many guys will reject a gal who is willing to spread her legs without any string attach?

So the msg to the gals out there, utimately u are the one to decide whether u want to be a slut or not? Cos the ball is in ur court.

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