Sunday, November 05, 2006

Believe in yourself.....

The article is by Jan Purser.

How successful would you like to be? If we're all honest, most likely we'd say that we would like to be successful.

It could be to have a successful business or career, or to be successful at a favourite hobby or other pursuit. Some people may say they wish to be a successful parent or partner, or a great gardener or cook.

A more important question than how successful you would like to be is... How successful do you believe you can become?

The difference between a successful person and a person who doesn't quite seem to make it lies with the products of their mind. A successful person believes they can be successful. They may have a few doubts on the way, but their belief in themselves and their abilities pushes them through what I call the "fear barrier". For example, if they don't know how to do something to help them on their way, they learn how, rather than believe they can't achieve their goal.

Our thoughts and self talk make a huge difference to what we can create in our lives. This applies to our career, business, health, relationships, hobbies, or any pursuit we would like to succeed in and achieve our goals.

Rebecka is a person who comes to mind who bought into self-doubts big time. She was a successful editor on a women's magazine but always felt there are something missing and that there was more to life than what she was doing.

Rebecka had a longing to work as a volunteer helping children in Africa. She didn't really care what she did, she just knew that was what she wanted to do. Rebecka felt crippled by fearful thoughts and doubts associated with throwing her job in to work for free in a foreign country. Many people told her she was nuts. This of course only heightened the fears or a part of her would shrivel and she would always wonder... what if? With great courage, a lot of research and keeping her vision in mind, she applied to one of the overseas volunteer groups. Within a short time she found a place and was on her way. Rebecka's life changed after that. She lived in Africa for more than six months helping to establish a new school for kids. Her confidence and belief in herself grew until she literally glowed by the time she returned.

After returning to Australia with her new found confidence she has been busy setting up a charity, Food Water Shelter, to do further great work in Africa, along with other volunteers she met in Africa. Their goal is to gather the funds to build orphanages to help orphaned African kids. The website is

Rebecka is editing and freelance writing to save for her next stint in Africa. And, most importantly, she is literally living her dream.

Self-belief is the crucial missing link for many who don't achieve their goals. Without a strong belief in your abilities and holding your vision in your mind, you just won't get there.

Fear-based thoughts and self-talk cripple growth in your life. Rebecka's belief in her dream pushed her through the fears and helped change her life into a fulfilling, purposeful one.

If you're buying into self-doubts and not talking to yourself in a supportive way, you are depleting your energy and your belief system and success may well stay out of reach. My challenge to you is to observe your thoughts about yourself, about others, your abilities and what you have to offer. When you catch yourself being negative - adjust your thinking on the spot.

You have the power to create positive change in all areas of your life by choosing your thoughts carefully.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Who's Dream....

Was having coffee after dinner with one of my friend just now. He was not feeling good and started telling me about his unhappiness regarding his family. He started pouring out to me how his mum keep saying how useless he is blah blah...

It makes me wonder what is the purpose of his mum saying all that to him. Is it that she wanted to spur him to greater height? Or just mainly a passing comment?

I asked him that but he affirmed me that it is not just a passing comment. At that moment, I was really thinking hard as to what should I say to him. I was somehow lost of words at that moment, thinking how could a parent say that to their child and put him down. I could tell that he is deeply hurt with what had been said to him.

I do not know if I had done the right thing but I told him to go and think what could have made his mum say those things to him. What he told me was that because he wasn't good in studies and that is the reason his mum said that to him.

I think it is pretty ridiculous for a mum to judge a child based on his academic achievement. There is more to life than just academic excellence.

So I tried to console him by telling him maybe his mum is just trying to spur him on by sparking him. I told him to let his mum know how he felt and by saying how useless he is, is not helping but will only make him low in esteem.

I hope all parents out there, pls do not judge your child by his/her academic excellence. But to bring out whatever potential they have. Be it musical or sporting talent. Do not make your child achieve your dream but let them achieve theirs.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Low in confidence....

Not in the best of mood today. I am wondering why am I here when compare to others who are smarter.

Am I smart enough to be here?
Why is it that there is so much I doesn't know as compare with others?
Am I really good enough or is it that I haven't been putting in enough effort?

I am really sick of this life now. Tell me how can I be a better person. What must I do?

As I am graduating in about a month time. What will my future holds?

Will I be able to get a job soon after? Maybe I shouldn't be thinking of that now.

OK! Come on! Give the burst of fire and finish the semester.

Don't give up, only LOSERS give up.
Don't be a loser.

It doesn't matter if you can't be the best at least try your best.

Don't think too much. Don't bother so much about your surroundings.

Life is not a bed of roses..... Only if one has tasted failure then will one fully cherish success....

Get WORKING...... Hopefully will be able to taste the sweetness of the fruit that I reaped at the end of the year... Hopefully..... Let's keep my fingers crossed....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What's the point of Life?

Spring is here and the flowers are blooming. But there is no ecstasy in me. Lately life has been a mess. How do I clean up this mess? I myself have no idea too.

What can I do to make this world a better place? No answer!!! Is surviving in this planet so difficult? The answer is yes...

I have noted something regarding the world. The people of the more wealthy and developed country seems to be more pretentious as compare to the people of the third world. Is this part of surviving skill on this planet? Aren't they tired of putting a false front?

Seems like majority of people likes to listen to nice thing said about them. So if you are an employer if an employee were to criticised your wrong doing will give him a piece of your mind?

I am mentally drained but who can I turned to? Won't it be nice to sleep and never have to wake up? There will not be any more problems, no more sadness everything will be gone for good.

What am I living for now? The answer is my parents.

When I try to reason with myself if there is any other thing worthy of me living for... There is really nothing I can think of.

As for the moment, my motivation to stay alive is my parents.

To be very honest, I really hope in future there will not be anyone who will cause me to want to carry on living after my parents.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's been a long time....

Months have past and I have not kept my resolution of updating my blog. My mood today is kind of bitter, or maybe should I say sad. As time goes by and as one gets older, it seems that to be happy is like a wishful thought.

To my friends, I may seems to be one who has no problems. Haha... In this universe, who doesn't have problems? It is just whether the person wants to show it or not. For me, if there is something upsetting me, I will not show it to the person who is not related to the matter. But if the something is related to the person then I will definitely show the person that I am unhappy abt something involving him/her.

I think that it is not necessary to make others unhappy if your unhappiness is not related to them.

The cause of my moodiness is due to...what else but studies.... Just got my result today for the deferred paper I took and I FAILED.....

Hope tomorrow will be a better day for me......

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Temptation is defined in wikipedia as an act that looks appealing to an individual. It is usually used to describe acts with negative connotations and as such, tends to lead a person to regret such actions, for various reasons: legal, social, psychological (including feeling guilt), health, economic, etc. Temptation also describes the coaxing or inducing a person into commiting such an act, by manipulation or otherwise of curiosity, desire or fear of loss.

"Temptation" is usually used in a loose sense to describe actions which indicate a lack of self control, such as procrastination or eating junk food.

In advertising, temptation is a theme common to many of the marketing and advertising techniques used to make products more attractive for purchase by consumers.

We as human beings often succumb to temptation not because we are ain't aware of it but rather we always tried to deny its presence. We have read in papers on couples caught cheating. Do you think that it just happen without any tell tale signs? I believe the party involve knows of the consequences involved. But why do they still succumb to temptation? I think it is because they tried to deny the fact that such things will happen to them. They failed to recognise that they are human after all with feelings. They refuse to avoid the situation thinking that they will never fall into it. Guess what? They are not only hurting themselves but the one who loved them.

We ain't God or Jesus who could withstand temptation. Don't allow yourself to be in that situation and end up hurting others. Also, some are tempted to lie but do you think lying will make the problem go away? Like the chinese saying: Paper will never be able to cover the fire. So do not think that we can get away without being detected. The lies will haunt you for life.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


What are friends??

Some may think of friends as one who is there when u needed them. Forsake them when they are not needed.

This is the impression some people gave me in this competitive world. Before my education in university, I always thought that friends are the one who we can rely on when we needed someone to be there for us. But sad to say, it is not the case in this era that we are living in. People nowadays live to take advantage of one another. This is a sad case of society, we may now be asking ourselves if there is a person who we can really depend on in times of need?

There may be someone who we can turn in times of need but how many of these people is there? We will be considered lucky if there is only a couple people who we can call true friends.

I am writing this now is because as an oversea student in a foreign country, I have strong belief that we ought to help one another especially if we are from the same nation. Just like the days, when our ancestor who left their home to come to Singapore to build a family here and called it their home. I sincerely admire their compatriot spirit, they look after one another.

I am fearing for the future with this attitude of looking only after our own interest mindset. I am wondering will this people remember their roots? I will brand these people as selfish. Will they forsake their elderly parents if they find them a burden? It will be a sad state to see the older generation being abandon in some homes for the elderly because their loved ones think that they are a burden.

I hope those people who think that they don't have to rely on anyone or think that a friendship is a matter of you taking advantage of others. I would like to say this, no man is an island. We need one another to survive, there will time when we will be down. Life is not all smooth sailing.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

What am I to do?

Why can't she understand me? I keep hearing myself asking. There is definitely no answer to it as I am speaking to myself.

I am trying my very best to accommodate her, she says she wanted to get married. I said, ok. Just that I told her I can't do it now. As I am in the midst of my studies, I had told her that after the completion of my studies we can get married a year after I started working but then she blew her top. I asked myself, am I asking too much for a postpone of marriage?
Why does she expect me to ask my parents for money to marry? Don't she realized the amount my parents had spent for me to get through university in a foreign land? I am sure the amount my parents spent on me to complete my degree is more than what her parents spent on her for a lifetime. That said so how am I going to ask my parents for more money for this marriage?

Why can't she just understand this?

How is money related to getting a degree?

In the past, there is pride associated with getting a degree. But as time changes so is the value of having a degree. Not only is the value of degree depreciating but the price of getting a degree is also higher i.e. the increase in tuition fees. Just like what we used to learn in mathematics, the value of degree is inversely proportional to the cost of getting a degree. The fact is though the tuition fees is repeatedly increasing, there is also an increase of people obtaining degree. Thus, when there is so many having obtained a degree which makes it so common that the value of a degree holder depreciate.

Now, I will get back to topic. So how is money associated with degree? In the past, getting into university is based solely on your academic results. It's not as if there is any difference now. So the difference here is that if you are rich, there is an extra avenue for you to consider which is either an offshore degree or going abroad. It doesn't really matter if you gotta study a longer period so long as you have the fiance to do so.

So that leave us to think, so what happen to the poor who couldn't afford that? It's really a shame that such things exist. But that is reality.

Therefore, I think in order to have a level playing field. I will suggest that the poor be able to get as much help as they can get to have a level playing field. In order for that to happen, the children must be able to have access to free tuition to have their foundation laid strong.

This is also because many of the well to do children have access to tuition which allows them to strengthen weaker subjects. I am not saying that those without tuition couldn't do it, of course there are some who are still able to achieve outstanding results without the need of tuition.

I believe in doing so, the children of the poor will then be able to gain into university via good academic results.

Hence, money is definitely related in how a degree is being obtained. Unless there is avenue for the children of the poor to have access in strengthening their weaker subjects for free. The children shouldn't be deprived of extra help just because their parents couldn't afford them.

Friday, January 06, 2006

The start of a New Year

Haven been posting much on here. The reason for that is I am never a good writer. Hence, I have made a resolution for this year - is to use this blog space to improve on my writing skill.

On the evening of 6th Jan 2006, I am here sitting in front of my computer typing away. My life seems to be a far distance from what I had planned. A once full of ambitions young guy, I am now a person who doesn't dare to think what tomorrow will be late-twenties guy. Once a guy who thought highly of himself to a guy with low confidence level. What had happened to me? I have been asking myself this question.

I am still not able to answer it, the only reason I can think of is my current stunt as an undergraduate student in Australia. The feeling I am getting may be due to the fact that most of my peers are in their late teens or early twenties. Yet, I am struggling to keep up with them in studies.

Maybe I shouldn't have continued with my studies after my stunts with the Army. Maybe I shouldn't be here in the first place.

But for the sake of my parents especially my dad, I will perceive on. Hopefully, by the end of the year I will be able to complete my studies and moved back to where I longed for - Singapore.