Friday, January 06, 2006

The start of a New Year

Haven been posting much on here. The reason for that is I am never a good writer. Hence, I have made a resolution for this year - is to use this blog space to improve on my writing skill.

On the evening of 6th Jan 2006, I am here sitting in front of my computer typing away. My life seems to be a far distance from what I had planned. A once full of ambitions young guy, I am now a person who doesn't dare to think what tomorrow will be late-twenties guy. Once a guy who thought highly of himself to a guy with low confidence level. What had happened to me? I have been asking myself this question.

I am still not able to answer it, the only reason I can think of is my current stunt as an undergraduate student in Australia. The feeling I am getting may be due to the fact that most of my peers are in their late teens or early twenties. Yet, I am struggling to keep up with them in studies.

Maybe I shouldn't have continued with my studies after my stunts with the Army. Maybe I shouldn't be here in the first place.

But for the sake of my parents especially my dad, I will perceive on. Hopefully, by the end of the year I will be able to complete my studies and moved back to where I longed for - Singapore.

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