Sunday, February 26, 2006


What are friends??

Some may think of friends as one who is there when u needed them. Forsake them when they are not needed.

This is the impression some people gave me in this competitive world. Before my education in university, I always thought that friends are the one who we can rely on when we needed someone to be there for us. But sad to say, it is not the case in this era that we are living in. People nowadays live to take advantage of one another. This is a sad case of society, we may now be asking ourselves if there is a person who we can really depend on in times of need?

There may be someone who we can turn in times of need but how many of these people is there? We will be considered lucky if there is only a couple people who we can call true friends.

I am writing this now is because as an oversea student in a foreign country, I have strong belief that we ought to help one another especially if we are from the same nation. Just like the days, when our ancestor who left their home to come to Singapore to build a family here and called it their home. I sincerely admire their compatriot spirit, they look after one another.

I am fearing for the future with this attitude of looking only after our own interest mindset. I am wondering will this people remember their roots? I will brand these people as selfish. Will they forsake their elderly parents if they find them a burden? It will be a sad state to see the older generation being abandon in some homes for the elderly because their loved ones think that they are a burden.

I hope those people who think that they don't have to rely on anyone or think that a friendship is a matter of you taking advantage of others. I would like to say this, no man is an island. We need one another to survive, there will time when we will be down. Life is not all smooth sailing.